“Growth Hacker Marketing” – Another Ryan Holiday Book

I believe I’ve exhausted my library’s collection of Ryan Holiday audiobooks. I just finished Growth Hacker Marketing. This book was another amazing listen. Holiday found the world of marketing turned upside-down and introduces the reader to “growth hacking.”

If I could sum up what I heard from the book in an exceptionally short blog post it would simply be: Growth hacking is about growing your customer base. It sounds the same as marketing, or at least the end goal of marketing, but is a fundamental concept shift. Growth hacking does away with awareness and branding. Throw vanity metrics out the window.

This was a short book. It clocked in at only 2 hours in length. Yet it was packed to the gills with actionable insights and advice. I’ve already had a meeting with a product manager on how to make our product more compelling to users in an effort to market it better (More to come on that, I hope).

This book is highly recommended for anyone in or interested in marketing.

Now, to get back to some fiction with Oliver Twist. 😛

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