AI Wrote This
A computer wrote all of the good parts.
Writing about what I find interesting
A computer wrote all of the good parts.
I wrote the last piece showing the similarities between chess and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ). A conversation with a brown belt after a roll compelled me to write this follow-up.…
How is an ancient board game similar to wrestling grown men in pajamas?
Repent,Repent, o ye ad trackers, for the cookiepocalypse is nigh! The Verge The Verge wrote a doozy of an article on what the internet’s cookie-less world will look like. I haven’t…
I asked my friend to be my workout acountabil-a-buddy yesterday. What does that mean? I wanted someone to hold me to a daily workout regiment. What did that get me?…
On Tuesday, October 30th, Apple held an event revealing their new iPad Pros, an announcement I’d been eagerly awaiting since the summer. This spring Apple introduced a budget iPad for…
I’ve been looking for workflows to allow me to post these articles more quickly, easier, with less pain. I forgot one key thing in this search, the writing. In my…
In the midst of a hostage situation in downtown Sydney, Australia, Ayn Rand’s favorite car service, Uber, turned on its wildly expensive surge pricing for customers trying to get away…
After repeatedly angering third-party apps by cutting off access to its API, Twitter will launch a new app development platform called Fabric to bury the hatchet with scorned developers, according…
Check out this ad for Honda’s President’s Day Sale that has George Washington singing backup vocals to Abraham Lincoln. Also, this isn’t exactly news, as the ad is…